
Live Dealers in the Virtual World: The Perfect Blend of Human Touch in Crypto Casinos

Hey there, fellow crypto gamer! Ever missed the charm of a real dealer while playing your favorite card game online? Well, the digital world’s got a surprise for you. Let’s dive into the mesmerizing realm of live dealers in crypto casinos and see how they’re bridging the gap between the physical and digital realms. The Best of Both Worlds: Why

Crypto Casino Etiquette: The Unwritten Rules for the Digital Gambler

Hey there, crypto casino aficionado! While the digital realm might feel like a no-rules playground, there’s still some etiquette to keep in mind. Let’s dive into the do’s and don’ts of the crypto gambling world, ensuring you’re not just winning big but also winning hearts. Get ahead in the game with the trustdice promo code and play like a pro!
Deutscher Flex-Betrieb passt Biogasanlage an die Bedürfnisse der Landwirte an

German Flex farm adapts biogas plant to farmers’ needs

Farmer Andreas Rolfs operates a biogas plant on about 235 hectares. Using corn, manure and slurry, the operator generated about 5.4 million kilowatt hours of electrical energy and 4.1 million kilowatt hours of thermal energy before expanding the plant. In Verbleck, Lower Saxony, ETW Energietechnik increased the capacity of an agricultural biogas plant by building a storage power plant in
Keine Tierhaltungsbedingungen

No animal husbandry conditions

The German Ministry of Agriculture has proposed an initiative to introduce a tax on “animal welfare.” In order to ensure the welfare of animals on farms, it is proposed to impose duties on meat and dairy products, reports the business portal. The agency calculated that the surcharge would cost consumers only 35.2 euros per year (23.8 euros for meat, 4.72
Deutsche Wissenschaftler nennen Kräutergetränke, die angeblich das Coronavirus besiegen können

German scientists name herbal drinks that can allegedly defeat coronavirus

Researchers claim that pomegranate juice, black chokeberry juice and green tea dramatically reduce the incidence of COVID-19 and influenza. In the spring, there was an uproar about the properties of ginger. Can such research be trusted, and should we expect new shortages and skyrocketing prices? Pomegranate juice, black chokeberry juice and green tea reduce the incidence of coronavirus and influenza
Die Welt warnt vor dem drohenden Verschwinden der Bananen

The world warns of the imminent disappearance of bananas

The German daily Die Welt writes that humanity could be without bananas. A highly infectious soil fungus has attacked palm trees. It used to be common in Asia and Australia and has now reached South America, where the world’s most widely grown banana variety, Cavendish, accounts for 95% of world trade. The first plantations in Honduras and Colombia have already
Wissenschaftler haben Kühe auf Toiletten trainiert, um die globale Erwärmung zu bekämpfen

Scientists have trained cows on toilets to fight global warming

The world's best minds have been hard at work trying to stop global warming. As Spiegel online reports, German scientists have been working for weeks on... getting a herd of cows used to the "pot."